gauze style bandage (Standard)
If your tattoo was covered with a standard bandage, tape, or plastic wrap, follow these essential steps to ensure proper healing:
-Leave the Bandage On
Keep the bandage on for at least 2 hours, but no longer than 10 hours.
-Removing the Bandage
When it’s time to remove the bandage, soak it gently with warm water to make removal easier.
-Wash Your Hands
Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before touching your fresh tattoo. Avoid excessive handling, and keep others from touching it as well.
-Clean the Tattoo
After removing the bandage, soak a clean, white paper towel with cool water. Gently press it on the tattoo for a few seconds, then softly wipe the area. This won’t hurt the tattoo but will help clean off any blood beads.
-No Re-Bandaging
Do not re-bandage your tattoo! Allow it to breathe and heal naturally.
Note: Always use a clean white paper towel to wash your tattoo. Using a dishrag is not suggested. A paper towel is disposable and will reduce the chances of contamination.
Semi Permeable bandage
AKA tagaderm, second skin, film bandage or #inksack.
If we used a clear film bandage on your tattoo, follow these tips.
-Keep Bandage On:
Leave on for 4-5 days (5 is suggested,
no more then 7 days). If uncomfortable
or compromised, remove early and
follow standard after care instructions
or contact studio for re-bandaging.
-Normal Reaction:
The bandage will more then likely
become cloudy or bubbly-this is
normal. It is breathable but also prevents
fluids from entering or exiting.
Ok to shower with the bandage on, but
avoid submerging or getting water in it.
- Low Maintenance:
No lotion or cleaning needed while the
bandage is on. Leave it alone.
- Reduce Swelling:
If needed, apply ice directly on the
bandage, 10 minutes on, 10 minutes
off, repeating during the first 12 hours
-Removing the Bandage:
Use warm water to help loosen bandage.
Peel from the corner, pulling it away from
the center (like stretching rubber).
Peel toward the center, not upward. Use
soap and water to remove any residue.
- Post Bandage Removal Care:
Apply a small amount of
fragrance-free lotion (only when needed),
wipe off excess to avoid clogging pores.
Avoid any and all sun and swimming
until completely healed.
Protect your tattoo from the sun and
your tattoo will be much happier.
Removal tips video
Note: In your care bag we included a compressed disposable towel, it may look like a little mint but it isn’t. Just add some water and it becomes a soft towel to help wash your tattoo after taking the bandage off. Using a dishrag or washcloth is not suggested on a fresh tattoo.